Inclusive Entrepreneurship
The goal of the Inclusive Entrepreneurship portfolio is to create pathways to entrepreneurship for all segments of the population as drivers of innovation and job creation. Through the projects included in the Infinite Erie pipeline, Erie’s vibrant business community will see:
- the development of new minority-owned businesses, women-owned businesses, as well as projects which continue to foster support to existing entrepreneurs.
The impact that the Inclusive Entrepreneurship portfolio aims to achieve can be framed by more than just the completion of the pipeline projects below, but rather by the overarching community outcomes which we aim to collectively ‘move the needle’ on, including:
- creating pathways to a larger inclusive business community via growing the overall number of minority- and women-owned businesses; and
- measuring the tenure of minority- & women-owned businesses helped by our local service providers.
We invite you to explore the Inclusive Entrepreneurship Portfolio Overview below, which reports on the cohort of active projects in the pipeline, current funding estimates, and how some of Erie’s community outcomes are trending since Infinite Erie began their efforts – as well as individual project summaries.
If you would like to see how the Inclusive Entrepreneurship portfolio fits into the overall framework of Infinite Erie and its commitment to the Tenants of Inclusive Growth, we invite you to explore our Portfolios Overview page.